Line Items API
To create a new line item, make a request like this:
POST /api/orders/R1234567/line_items?line_item[variant_id]=1&line_item[quantity]=1
This will create a new line item representing a single item for the variant with the id of 1.
Status: 201 Created
"id": 1,
"quantity": 2,
"price": "19.99",
"single_display_amount": "$19.99",
"total": "39.99",
"display_total": "$39.99",
"variant_id": 1,
"variant": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Ruby on Rails Tote",
"sku": "ROR-00011",
"price": "15.99",
"display_price": "$15.99",
"weight": null,
"height": null,
"width": null,
"depth": null,
"is_master": true,
"cost_price": "13.0",
"permalink": "ruby-on-rails-tote",
"description": "A text description of the product.",
"options_text": "(Size: small, Colour: red)",
"in_stock": true,
"option_values": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Small",
"presentation": "S",
"option_type_name": "tshirt-size",
"option_type_id": 1
"images": [
"id": 1,
"position": 1,
"attachment_content_type": "image/jpg",
"attachment_file_name": "ror_tote.jpeg",
"type": "Spree::Image",
"attachment_updated_at": null,
"attachment_width": 360,
"attachment_height": 360,
"alt": null,
"viewable_type": "Spree::Variant",
"viewable_id": 1,
"mini_url": "/spree/products/1/mini/file.png?1370533476",
"small_url": "/spree/products/1/small/file.png?1370533476",
"product_url": "/spree/products/1/product/file.png?1370533476",
"large_url": "/spree/products/1/large/file.png?1370533476"
To update the information for a line item, make a request like this:
PUT /api/orders/R1234567/line_items/1?line_item[variant_id]=1&line_item[quantity]=1
This request will update the line item with the ID of 1 for the order, updating the line item’s variant_id
to 1, and its quantity
Status: 200 OK
"id": 1,
"quantity": 2,
"price": "19.99",
"single_display_amount": "$19.99",
"total": "39.99",
"display_total": "$39.99",
"variant_id": 1,
"variant": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Ruby on Rails Tote",
"sku": "ROR-00011",
"price": "15.99",
"display_price": "$15.99",
"weight": null,
"height": null,
"width": null,
"depth": null,
"is_master": true,
"cost_price": "13.0",
"permalink": "ruby-on-rails-tote",
"description": "A text description of the product.",
"options_text": "(Size: small, Colour: red)",
"in_stock": true,
"option_values": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Small",
"presentation": "S",
"option_type_name": "tshirt-size",
"option_type_id": 1
"images": [
"id": 1,
"position": 1,
"attachment_content_type": "image/jpg",
"attachment_file_name": "ror_tote.jpeg",
"type": "Spree::Image",
"attachment_updated_at": null,
"attachment_width": 360,
"attachment_height": 360,
"alt": null,
"viewable_type": "Spree::Variant",
"viewable_id": 1,
"mini_url": "/spree/products/1/mini/file.png?1370533476",
"small_url": "/spree/products/1/small/file.png?1370533476",
"product_url": "/spree/products/1/product/file.png?1370533476",
"large_url": "/spree/products/1/large/file.png?1370533476"
To delete a line item, make a request like this:
DELETE /api/orders/R1234567/line_items/1
Status: 204 No Content