
Spree 0.40.0 represents another step forward towards the eventual 1.0.0 release. This version focuses heavily on authentication and authorization. Most sites running 0.30.x will be able to upgrade with very little difficulty. We’re still working on identifying all of the Spree extensions that run 0.40.x but its a fairly safe bet that any extension running 0.30.x will work with this release.

We’re always looking for more help with the Spree documentation. If you’d like to offer assistance please contact us on the spree-user mailing list and we can give you commit access to the documentation project.

Database Migrations

There are several new database changes in the 0.40.0 release. You will need to update your database migrations as follows:

$ bundle exec rake spree:install:migrations
$ bundle exec rake db:migrate

Always be sure to perform a complete database backup before performing any operations. It is also suggested that you examine the new migrations closely before running them so you are aware of what changes are being made to your database.

Replacing Authlogic with Devise

Spree has replaced the authlogic gem in favor of Devise for all authentication methods. In part an effort to both simplify customization strategies, due to devise’s modular nature, and allow for much simpler creation of extensions needing different authentication schemas and scopes. We have made every effort to maintain the backward compatibility required to upgrade an existing site. This means that naming conventions, and routing have all remained intact where possible as well as the use of deprecation notices.

The database changes, described below, are made to offer as much flexibility as Devise itself offers and enabling you to implement, adjust the behavior, or remove features fairly effortlessly for those familiar with Devise.

Miscellaneous Clean Up

Some of the biggest changes to the Spree authentication process is consolidation of most all the user management functions into the spree_auth gem. Prior versions of Spree still had small bits of code floating around in spree_core etc. So some files have simply been moved to where they should have been all along.

Upgrading Existing Sites

We have tried to minimize changes and when possible, naming conventions have be maintained. The result is that only one controller has been moved and renamed. Routing and the named route conventions having been maintained as well.

The file core/password_resets_controller.rb has been renamed and moved to auth/user_password_resets_controller.rb

We have already set up devise to handle the existing encryption scheme that authlogic used so there is no need to make any changes and the current users will work “out of the box”.

Changes to the REST API

Spree 0.40.x introduces several minor but important changes to the REST API. If you are currently relying on the API you should be aware of a few important changes. Please also consult the detailed REST Guide for more details.

New Authentication Mechanism

The most significant change to the REST API is related to authentication. The recent adoption of Devise for authentication in general has resulted in new opportunities to improve authentication for the API specifically.

Prior to Spree 0.40.x the old method of authentication was to pass an authentication token in the header. This involved using the specially designated X-SpreeAPIKey header and passing a corresponding token value. The new approach is to use standard HTTP_AUTHORIZATION which is already nicely implemented by Devise.

If you were using curl you could achieve this authentication as follows:

curl ~~u V8WPYgRdSZN1mSQG17sK:x \

Note that we are using the token as the “user name” and passing “x” as a password here. There is nothing special about “x”, its just a placeholder since many HTTP Basic Authentication implementations require a password to be submitted. In our case the token is sufficient so we use a placeholder for the password.

h4. Support for .json Suffix

It is now recommended that you consider using a .json suffix in your URL when communicating via the REST API. This is technically not a new feature~~ it was always possible in older versions of the REST API. We’ve updated the documentation to suggest this simpler approach (which avoids the necessity of passing Accept:application/json in the header.)

curl -u V8WPYgRdSZN1mSQG17sK:x

Tokenized Permissions

There are situations where it may be desirable to restrict access to a particular resource without requiring a user to authenticate in order to have that access. Spree allows so-called “guest checkouts” where users just supply an email address and they’re not required to create an account. In these cases you still want to restrict access to that order so only the original customer can see it. The solution is to use a “tokenized” URL.

Spree provides a TokenizedPermission model used to grant access to various resources through a secure token. This model works in conjunction with the Spree::TokenResource module which can be used to add tokenized access functionality to any Spree resource.

The Order model is one such model in Spree where this interface is already in use. The following code snippet shows how to add this functionality through the use of the token_resource declaration:

Order.class_eval do

If we examine the default CanCan permissions for Order we can see how tokens can be used to grant access in cases where the user is not authenticated.

can :read, Order do |order, token|
 order.user  user || order.token && token  order.token
can :update, Order do |order, token|
 order.user  user || order.token && token  order.token
can :create, Order

This configuration states that in order to read or update an order, you must be either authenticated as the correct user, or supply the correct authorizing token.

The final step is to ensure that the token is passed to CanCan when the authorization is performed. Most controllers will do this automatically if they declare resource_controller.

authorize! action, resource, session[:access_token]

Since OrdersController does not implement resource_controller this is done explicitly in the controller

For more information on tokenized permissions please read the detailed security guide.