Requests to this API will only succeed if the user making them has access to the underlying products. If the user is not an admin and the product is not available yet, users will receive a 404 response from this API.



Retrieve a list of all product properties for a product by making this request:

GET /api/products/1/product_properties

Product properties are paginated and can be iterated through by passing along a page parameter:

GET /api/products/1/product_properties?page=2


The page number of product property to display.
The number of product properties to return per page


Status: 200 OK
  "product_properties": [
      "id": 1,
      "product_id": 1,
      "property_id": 1,
      "value": "Tote",
      "property_name": "bag_type"
  "count": 10,
  "pages": 2,
  "current_page": 1

To search for a particular product property, make a request like this:

GET /api/products/1/product_properties?q[property_name_cont]=bag

The searching API is provided through the Ransack gem which Spree depends on. The property_name_cont here is called a predicate, and you can learn more about them by reading about Predicates on the Ransack wiki.

The search results are paginated.


Status: 200 OK
  "product_properties": [
      "id": 1,
      "product_id": 1,
      "property_id": 1,
      "value": "Tote",
      "property_name": "bag_type"
  "count": 10,
  "pages": 2,
  "current_page": 1

Sorting results

Results can be returned in a specific order by specifying which field to sort by when making a request.

GET /api/products/1/product_properties?q[s]=property_name%20desc


To get information about a single product property, make a request like this:

GET /api/products/1/product_properties/1

Or you can use a property’s name:

GET /api/products/1/product_properties/size


Status: 200 OK
  "id": 1,
  "product_id": 1,
  "property_id": 1,
  "value": "Tote",
  "property_name": "bag_type"


This action is only accessible by an admin user.

To create a new product property, make a request like this:

POST /api/products/1/product_properties?product_property[property_name]=size&product_property[value]=10

If a property with that name does not already exist, then it will automatically be created.


Status: 201 Created
  "id": 1,
  "product_id": 1,
  "property_id": 1,
  "value": "Tote",
  "property_name": "bag_type"


To update an existing product property, make a request like this:

PUT /api/products/1/product_properties/size?product_property[value]=10

You may also use a property’s id if you know it:

PUT /api/products/1/product_properties/1?product_property[value]=10


Status: 200 OK
  "id": 1,
  "product_id": 1,
  "property_id": 1,
  "value": "Tote",
  "property_name": "bag_type"


To delete a product property, make a request like this:

DELETE /api/products/1/product_properties/size
Status: 204 No Content